About Staff

Innovation & Intellectual Property Center
Section Manager
Shih, Ping-An
Innovation & Intellectual Property Center
Section Manager
Shih, Ping-An

Ping-An Shih, as a section manager of IIPC in Science & Technology Law Institute, mainly executes governmental projects to help Taiwan enterprises to build up IP-related management systems and advocate data-related policies and laws. She is skilled at trade secret management, trademark management and strategic deployment, and agricultural IP and data policies and laws.

Ping-An Shih is admitted to practice as an attorney both in New York State of the United States and China. In addition, she is the drafter of the first guideline about trade secret protection in Taiwan in 2016 and the drafter of the first trade secret management system regulation in Taiwan in 2023. In addition, She’s been invited as lecturers for different enterprises, universities and colleges, science parks, public associations, and company directors and supervisors on IP related topics such as operation risk management, IP protection and management for branding, trade secret management, and agricultural IP and data-related protection.


.Illinois Institute of Technology International Intellectual Property Law Master of Law
.Taiwan SooChow University Law Bachelor of Law




.Institute for Information Industry/ Science & Technology Law Institute/Section Manager(Jan.2016-present)
.Institute for Information Industry/ Science & Technology Law Institute/Project Manager(Jan. 2015-Dec. 2015)
.Institute for Information Industry/ Science & Technology Law Institute/Legal Researcher(Dec. 2009 – Dec. 2014)


.Ping-An Shih, Do we need parody use exemption in dilution scenarios in Taiwan? --- Proposals to Taiwan trademark law amendments from the U.S. trademark law perspective. (May, 2009) (unpublished LL.M. thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology).

Books and Guidelines
.Co-Author, Top Trademark Management Strategies: Applicable to Start-Up Brand and Time-Honored Brand (2023)
.Co-Author, Trade Secret Management Standard (2023)
.Co-Author, Easy to Get Implented! Guidance and FAQs of Taiwan Intellectual Property System (TIPS) (1 st ed. 2023)
.Co-Author, Make Good Use of Intellectual Property Management to Implement Corporate Governance ─ How to Apply TIPS in Compliance with Corporate Governance Evaluation (1st ed. 2020).
.Co-Author, Exploring Trade Secret Management from Industrial Secrets and Practical Statistics (1st ed. Nov. 2019).
.Co-Author, Case Analysis of Branding Through IP Perspective (2019).
.Co-Author, Guidance of Trade Secret Management-Chapter One, Version 2.0 (2019).
.Co-Author, Trade Secret Management Guidance (2019).
.Co-Author, Intellectual Property Q & A For Design Industry (2018).
.Co-Author, The Driving Force to Successful Branding:IP Protection (1st ed. September 2017).
.Co-Author, Guidance of Trade Secret Management-Chapter One (2017).
.Co-Author, Trade Secret Management Guidance (2016)
.Co-Author, Adaptation Manual of Intellectual Property Risks─Licensing (2015).
.Co-Author, Adaptation Manual of Intellectual Property Risks─Preventing Confidential Information Leakage (2015).
.Co-Author, Adaptation Manual of Intellectual Property Risks─Coping with Counterfeits (2015).
.Co-Author, Utilizing Intellectual Property to "Lead" the Way to Sustainability Brand (2013).
.Co-Author, Intellectual Property: The Key to Successful Brand Marketing─Problem Analysis and Case Studies (2012).

.Ping-An Shih, The Winning Trademark Strategy for Branding In the Internet Era, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT JOURNAL, Issue 218, (2017).
.Ping-An Shih, The Red Silent War- Analysis of Theft of Trade Secrets of Taiwan Companies By China Spies, THE CLEAR CURRENT BIMONTHLY (2016).
.Ping-An Shih, Analysis on the Moroccanoil trademark infringement case, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.26 No.9, (2014).
.Ping-An Shih, Key to Sustainable Development of the Brand- from the Perspective of Appropriate Trademark Use, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.25 No.6, (2013).
.Ping-An Shih, The Study of Establishment of IPRs Evaluation Complementary Mechanisms in Korea, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.24 No.5, (2012).
.Ping-An Shih, The Mechanism of Allocation of Intellectual Property Infringement Risks-European Patent Litigation Insurance System, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.24 No.2, (2012).
.Ping-An Shih, The Draft History of Complementary Regulations of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.23 No.9, (2011).
.Ping-An Shih, Enhance The Investment in The Cultural and Creative Industry- From the Illustration of Article 9 of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.23 No.4, (2011).
.Ping-An Shih, Dilution Protection of The Well-Known Trademark v.s. Freedom of Speech Protection of The Parody Use of The Well-Known Trademark, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.22 No. 7, (2010).

Professional Certification

.New York State Lawyer (since Jan.2010 until now)
.China Lawyer Qualification Certificate (since March 2018 until now)
.Lead Inspector for BS10012 Personal Information Management System (since Jan.2014 until now)
.Lead Inspector for ISO27001 Information Security Management System (since Feb.2017 until now)