About Staff

Innovation & Intellectual Property Center
Section Manager
Lo, Yu-Ju
Innovation & Intellectual Property Center
Section Manager
Lo, Yu-Ju

As an Analyst in Science & Technology Law Institute,   Lo, Yu-Ju explores issues relating to intellectual property. And she is part of the project of Taiwan national intellectual property (IP) strategy team.

Assistant Researcher in Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories.


.PhD Degree, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National ChengChi University
.Master Degree, Postgraduate of Management, I-Shou University


Institute for Information Industry / Science & Technology Law Institute Analyst (June 23, 2014 - )


‧Single author of Patent brokers in Taiwan's patent transaction market, Unpublished doctoral dissertation of ChengChi University, (2013).
‧Co-author of Ten Years of Technology Entrepreneurship Competitions in Taiwan, Journal of Technology Management, (2010).【TSSCI】
‧Co-author of Knowledge creation and cooperation between cross-nation R&D institutions, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, (2010)【EI】