About Staff

Innovation & Intellectual Property Center
Project Manager
Lin, Liu-Chin
Innovation & Intellectual Property Center
Project Manager
Lin, Liu-Chin

As an advanced legal researcher at the Innovation & Intellectual Property Center, Liu-Chin Lin specializes in providing intellectual property strategy counseling and promoting Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS). With more than ten years of experience in intellectual property practice, she is highly skilled in intellectual property management, intellectual property strategic planning, and trade secret management. She was invited to speak at enterprises, schools, and research institutes on topics such as trade secret management practices, R&D intellectual property plan and portfolio management, intellectual property law compliance and corporate governance etc.


.L.L.M. in Peking University (China)
.M.S. in Columbia University (USA)
.B.S. in National Tsing Hua University


.Institute for Information Industry/Legal Researcher
.Intellectual Property Co., Ltd. (China)/Patent Attorney
.Semiconductor Technology Company/Engineer
.Patent and Law Office/Patent Engineer
.Chemical Analysis Equipment Company (USA)/Chemical Analysis Researcher


.Lin, Liu-Chin, Establishment of the Patent Examination Standards for the Chinese Traditional Medicine (2013) (unpublished L.L.M. Degree dissertation, Peking University).

.Co-author, Trade Secret Management System, (2023).
.Co-author, Patent Case study in China (2), (2016).

.Lin, Liu-Chin, Strategies for the protection of research and development results in the biomedical industry-taking the cross-protection of patents and trade secrets as an example, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.30 No.11, (2018).
.Lin, Liu-Chin, From Endo Pharms. Inc. v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc. Decision to See the Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Judgment of Medical Methods in the United States, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.32 No.4, (2020).
.Lin, Liu-Chin, Use intellectual property analysis to complete innovation protection and promote intellectual property transfer and application-taking patents as an example, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW, Vol.33 No.8, (2021).

Professional Certification

.Patent Attorney in Taiwan (2011~)
.Patent Attorney in China (2012~)