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Cross-domain Integration Center
Legal Researcher
Ivy Chen
Cross-domain Integration Center
Legal Researcher
Ivy Chen

Ivy Chen is currently working as a legal researcher, mainly implementing biomedical-related technological legal projects, involving precision medicine, innovative biology, advanced medical products, contract development and manufacturing organization and other fields. Specializes in biotechnology, medical science and technology legal system.


.Chang Gung University, Master of Institute of Biomedical Sciences.
.Shih Chien University, Bachelor of Food and Nutritional Sciences.


.Institute for Information Industry / Science & Technology Law Institute/ Legal Researcher (Nov, 2022 - )
.Syspower Corporation / Project Manager (Sep, 2021- Nov, 2022 )
.Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry Technology and Development Center / Project Manager (Aug, 2008 –Jun, 2021 )
.Fu Jen Catholic University Faculty of Medicine / Full-time research assistant(Aug, 2004 –May, 2008 )


.Yi-Ching Chen, Effect of GSK3 inhibitor and LiC1 on RA-induced differentiation of U937 leukemia cell. (2004).

.Yi-Ching Chen, 2023 International Regulatory Trends and Developments for Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals, Gene Online (August 31,2023)
.Yi-Ching Chen, 2023 International Regulatory Trends and Developments in Sterile Manufacturing, Gene Online (September 1,2023)
.Yi-Ching Chen, Expert Symposium on Precision Health and Innovative Application of Precision Detection (1), Gene Online (October 18,2023)
.Yi-Ching Chen, Expert Symposium on Precision Health and Innovative Application of Precision Detection (2), Gene Online (October 19,2023)
.Yi-Ching Chen, New Advanced Manufacturing Policy 2023: Point-of-Care Manufacturing, Gene Online (October 25,2023)
.Yi-Ching Chen, Trends and new policies for distributed manufacturing of pharmaceuticals in 2023, Global Bio & Investment (October 26,2023)
.Yi-Ching Chen, Through the cross-domain integration mechanism, the Institute of Science and Law of the Institute helps the industry to accelerate the convergence with the compliance of advanced medical products, CNA (November 27,2023)
.Yi-Ching Chen, EU releases biggest drug legislation reform plan in 20 years, Science and Technology Law Review, 35(11), 2-4 (2023)

Professional speech
.Yi-Ching Chen, Pharmaceutical manufacturing trends and new policies in advanced countries, Innovative Biotechnology Trends Conference (September 18,2023)

Professional Certification

.Talent Quality Management System (TTQS) Education Training Certificate
.Procurement Professional Certificate