Kung, Po-Lung currently serves as the Associate Legal Researcher. He is responsible for the Digital Technology Application for Industrial Development project and the Advanced Technology and System Development for Biomedical Chips project. He researches on the legal issues related to data protection, financial law, and payment law.
.Master of Laws, School of Law, Soochow University.
.Bachelor of Law, School of Law, Soochow University.
.Institute for Information Industry / Science & Technology Law Institute Associate Legal Researcher (April 15, 2024 - )
.Kung, Po-Lung, Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Buy Now Pay Later (June 2, 2023) (unpublished LL.M. thesis, Soochow University) .
.Kung, Po-Lung, Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Buy Now Pay Later 135(2023).
.Lin, Yu Ting and Kung, Po-Lung, The Regulatory and Pratice of Buy Now Pay Later(BNPL) in UK, US, EU, Australia, Singapore and Taiwan (Part 1), Contemporary law journal, 115 (2022).
.Lin, Yu Ting and Kung, Po-Lung, The Regulatory and Pratice of Buy Now Pay Later(BNPL) in UK, US, EU, Australia, Singapore and Taiwan (Part 2), Contemporary law journal, 119 (2022).